Timeless seeds of advice kalamullah
Timeless seeds of advice kalamullah

timeless seeds of advice kalamullah

He has given you pleasures and delights in this life, and then a better life in the Hereafter in Paradise. He has given you faith and guided you for doing righteous deeds. God has completed and perfected His Graces upon you. You are the King of kings, the Supreme, the One and Only. We seek refuge in You from being afraid of anyone but You, from depending upon anyone but in You, from putting our life and trust in anyone but in You, and from worshiping or invoking anyone but You. O’ Allah: Relieve the tired souls and hearts with the strength of faith. O'Allah! Let relief take the place of sorrow, make joy come after grief, and let peace take the place of war and fear. To whom belongs sovereignty this Day? To Allah, the One, the Prevailing. The Day they come forth nothing concerning them will be concealed from Allah. God: He is the only thought of when kindness, care, support, love, and mercy come to mind. God: He is the only thought of when utter strength, glory, and wisdom come to mind. Do you know of any similarity to Him? (Quran 19:65) He is the Lord of the heavens, the earth, and whatever is between them, so worship Him and have patience.

timeless seeds of advice kalamullah

He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower, and the All-Seer. Have you ever seen or known anyone that is similar to Him? He is the One who guides, the One who protects, and the One Who forgives. And He is the Powerful and the Exalted in Might. Our souls and eyes find rest, our nerves are soothed, and our minds find peace.Īllah is always very Gracious and Kind to all His creations. Our tongues chant His name and glory, and cries out for His help, forgiveness and mercy. Our hands, arms, and eyes are extended to Him for His mercy, to rescues us in times of hardship and misfortune. To Allah alone ascend all that is good: your deeds, words, sincere supplication, the pleas and the tears of the innocent, and the prayers of the afflicted. When all paths and roads are blocked, causing the soul and the heart to feel constricted and suffocated, they cry out only to Him for mercy. When all hope is lost, and there are no exits, they cry out only to Him for mercy. When barriers are placed and the doors are shut, they cry out only to Him for mercy. When the earth trembles and rumbles, the afflicted cry out only to Him for mercy. When the camels are lost in the hot desert, the travelers cry out only to Him for direction and mercy. When the seas and the winds are turbulent, the occupants of the land and sea, cry out only to Him for mercy.

timeless seeds of advice kalamullah

Each day God has a matter to bring forth (Quran 55:29) 55:29 Whosoever is on the earth and in the heavens asks and begs of Him. You have all that life has to offer, yet you remain unhappy. He has given you so much: trees, fruits, nuts, birds, oxygen, water, and much more, yet you do not see anything. Whenever you are sad, remember the favors of Allah (God) so that you might succeed. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the Publisher. King Fahd National Library Cataloging-in-Publication DataĪll rights reserved.

Timeless seeds of advice kalamullah