Select the field previously mentioned whose value will be changed after the verification link is visited by the respondent.Next, choose the form where you want to create a verification link.Click on Launch App and authorize the integration.The following form elements are supported: In Form Builder, add a field to your form that will hold the entry’s “verified” status.This allows you to mark a form submission as verified or confirmed. To see if your account is verified, sign into your Google Account.
To finish creating your account, enter the verification code when prompted. Submission Verifier creates a link that when visited, updates the form submission and populates a preselected form field with the desired value. Open the email and find the verification code. And the only way they’d be able to do that is if they entered a valid email address that they own. From the user’s perspective, all they need to do is click the link to get verified. This link can be incorporated within your Autoresponder email. Submission Verifier allows your users to submit the form, regardless of whether their email address is valid or not, and only after submission should they receive a unique link that will be used for the verification process. In Form Builder, click on Add Form Element in the upper-left corner.To add an E-mail Validator widget to your form A unique verification code will be sent that is valid for 24 hours and can be used only once. Users would type in their email address, click on the Verify Email button, then wait for the verification email to arrive in their inbox. The widget adds a text field and a button to your form. The E-mail Validator widget ensures that you always have valid email addresses from your forms. Now that we know how this process works, it’s time to apply it to your forms. In layman’s terms, to validate an email address means to check to see if it exists, or if it is real. To quickly explain, the email verification process works by sending an email to the address provided, with either a unique code or a URL that can only be seen if and only if the email address provided works, exists, and is owned by the actual user. Email verification after form submission - users will receive an email after form submission and their submission will only be verified if they received that email.Email verification before form submission - users will verify their email prior to submitting the form.This guide covers two use case scenarios: